Symptoms of ADHS

ADHD can cause around 40 symptoms.

Almost all symptoms can also be caused by other conditions or disorders. ADHD manifests itself by a certain number of these symptoms occurring simultaneously, with some symptoms being more typical.

The diagnostic and statistical manuals DSM and ICD name only about 10 symptoms: the diagnostic symptoms. The diagnostic symptoms are those symptoms which are particularly typical of ADHD and can distinguish it best from other disorders. While knowledge of the DSM/ICD symptoms may be sufficient for the diagnosis of ADHD, this is not the case for borderline cases (mild ADHD and more complex differential diagnosis), which is why ADHD specialists do not diagnose purely schematically according to DSM/ICD. However, knowledge of all possible symptoms triggered by ADHD is essential for a good administration of medication and psychotherapeutic treatment of ADHD.

According to our online symptom ADHD test, procrastination is the most frequently mentioned symptom by ADHS people - it was mentioned more often than hyperactivity in ADHD and inattention in ADD. Other examples are

  • Emotional Dysregulation
  • Rejection Sensitivity and
  • Dysphoria only with Inactivity.

All three are not included in DSM / ICD.
In particular, dysphoria with inactivity, since not listed as a diagnostic symptom in DSM or ICD, is often confused with depression, which increases the risk of mistreatment.

Further information:

Symptoms of ADHD