Hey World 🗺️ today I'm happy about........!

…my wonderful old tiny car.

Yesterday, on my way for shopping, suddenly my windshield wipers are out of order :woozy_face:

Fog, rainy, darkness and now?
OK, back to the shopping center, to wait for better weather conditions :woman_shrugging:t3: and maybe a cup of matcha :tea:

Long story short, safe return trip and today we found out, it was only the simple fuse, we changed and everything is back on track :four_leaf_clover:

So, this let me feel happy today, because driving an old tiny car and if anything doesn’t longer work :money_mouth_face: then the thoughts immediately check out the account balance…


…about my work in the kitchen, preparing the meal for my family.

Now, I’m sitting here, with my :tea: everyone is full and liked my dish of the day, but the best of all :drum:

my kitchen is clean :partying_face:

everything is on its place, dishwasher is filled, YEAH… step by step, thx Elvanse/Vyvanse for help :pray:t3:

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I shut down the light. Now my kitchen looks clean, too…


Great idea for tomorrow :four_leaf_clover: Thx so much @UlBre , let’s see, if your idea also works with the bathroom, too :bulb:

Good idea… i’ll let the shutters down… aahhh…

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Huh??? You guys open the shutters in the morning?
Here they are down most of the times.

If someone complains about my dirty apartment, I simply blame it on sensory overload from too much light. The rest can be explained by object permanence :bulb: :crazy_face:

ADHD + object permanence

In the context of ADHD, object permanence refers to the difficulty that some individuals with ADHD experience in maintaining awareness of objects, tasks, or even people when they are out of sight or not immediately present. This concept can extend beyond physical objects to include responsibilities, goals, and social relationships, which may seem to “disappear” from the mind of someone with ADHD once they are no longer actively focused on them.

For people with ADHD, the challenge with object permanence can lead to issues with organization, time management, and maintaining relationships. For example, they might forget about important tasks if they aren’t reminded visually or physically, leading to missed deadlines or overlooked responsibilities. Similarly, individuals might struggle to stay connected with friends or loved ones unless there are regular, immediate interactions, as the relationship may not stay “top of mind” without frequent reminders.

In ADHD, difficulties with object permanence are often linked to working memory challenges and the tendency to focus intensely on what is immediately in front of them (known as hyperfocus) while neglecting things that are “out of sight, out of mind.”

It’s like playing peek-a-boo with house dust.


…the first snow flakes :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:
they’re now gone,
but for a moment :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow:


Today I’m happy about, that I’m still here.
I’m on my way, to investigate, what happens in my brain and what can I do, what can do the medicine for me.

So be grateful and happy about a new fresh day :white_heart:


I just practised Rick Hanson’s “Whole body breathing” a couple of minutes ago.

Rick Hanson is not the only one to teach that, I did similar things before.

But in his description in the app Insight Timer, he explains whole body breathing is good for training lateral thinking which in turn helps to be less self-centeted in ones thoughts…

So… I started to understand… theorywise in terms of psychotherapy I usually hear that I am not self-centered enough.

→ much more self-care is needed

I just don’t manage to practice very much “self-care” in this madhouse and I often feel bad because of that.

But now today I realized that this is maybe how I manage to survive the terrible situation I find myself in → maybe I got less self-centeted through different techniques and meditation… and maybe that’s the clue why I still go on with everything…


Does this make sense? Or am I cheating myself…?

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I think, everything is OK, when you feel better, survive terrible situation and when this is your tool for self care, so go with it.

This old poem, no one walk in your shoes and knows all your big and tiny problems, so when it helps and when it’s only for a moment, so take a deep breath and feel the smile on your face :people_hugging:


…my special look around the corner, now that I know a bit about Adhd & my medicine, feeled today like in my good old days :face_holding_back_tears: long time ago…

Exactly this…

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<---- Surviver of 2024

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… me almost survivor…

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:cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow:

…so much snow, and it’s still snowing :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: and now, I must go out :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

…my calmness, in the early morning, about the date with the mechanic, who was testing the smoke detector :hear_no_evil: and control the water clock and so on…bye until next year :upside_down_face: