About the Forum rules category

Welcome to the ADHD forum of ADxS.org

This is the english version of the 2019 launched german forum of ADxS.org.

The ADHD forum stands for an open, authentic exchange on the topic of ADHD.
It is aimed at anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by ADHD, suspects that they are affected or is interested for other reasons and would like to find out more. Parents of AD(H)S children are just as welcome as children of AD(H)S parents…

A large part of the forum is open to the public and can be read without registration. A final area is located behind a low contribution limit, which will give you full access.
Please take a quick look at the forum rules first. Especially for people who sometimes have a hard time with rules… :wink:

Do you feel addressed? Then welcome :smiley:

See you soon, your ADHD-Forum-ADxS.org team