When creating an account for the forum https://adhd-forum.adxs.org, each member has agreed to these terms of use with the operator (ADxS e.V., non-profit association, Germany).
Within the framework of these conditions, the operator grants the member permission to use the forum.

These rules are intended to ensure the smooth running of the forum. They must be observed by every member. Moderators are authorized to react to violations.

1. Registration and data protection

You are at least 14 years old and may only use one account. Using other people’s accounts or pretending to be another member is not permitted

Use a nickname, not your real name - neither first name nor surname.
Avoid using details in posts that allow conclusions to be drawn about you as a person, e.g. specific location details.

Pictures of children are not permitted in posts or as avatars.

Members have the right to delete their account data, but not their posts.
Members transfer the rights to use their posts, images and other content to adhd-forum.adxs.org for an unlimited period of time in order to avoid threads being torn apart by deleted posts.

Each member is responsible for all actions taken through their account, whether authorized by them or not, until the member either closes their account or notifies the operator that the account has been compromised.
The Member undertakes to inform the Operator immediately if he/she suspects that his/her account has been compromised. The member agrees to choose a secure password for his/her account and to keep it secret.

2. Behavior in the forum

2.1 Protection of privacy

Every member of the forum must behave in such a way that the personal rights of all others are protected.
It is not permitted to make the person or personal data of another person public without their consent. Personal data is all data that allows conclusions to be drawn about the identity of the person.

2.2 Tone and content

The following must be clarified in the light of freedom of expression:

Every member is responsible for the posts they make. Everyone maintains a friendly and polite tone.
Aggressive language is undesirable. Even before any criminal relevance arises, it must be taken into account: Nobody insults, hurts or provokes others.

Criticism is permitted and welcome. However, it should be friendly and constructive. Abusive criticism, where the focus is on personal defamation rather than a debate on the matter, is inadmissible.

Factual assertions differ from value judgments in that they can be substantiated. Therefore, factual statements must be verifiable.

The forum aims to be a safe point of contact for its users and in this sense sees itself as a refuge for tolerance, pluralism, gaining knowledge and self-help. In particular, blanket statements on nations, religions, genders, orientations, parties, professional and population groups etc. do not contribute to this goal, nor do remote and “foreign” diagnoses.

Members should also bear in mind that impulsivity and emotional dysregulation on the one hand and rejection sensitivity (easier offending) on the other are possible with AD(H)S. This does not entitle anyone to derive any claims directly from these possible dispositions.

Members will draw each other’s attention to any lapses in tone in a friendly manner and work towards pacification.
Differences will be clarified via PN or email. Operators and moderators rely on being contacted specifically if users see cause for intervention. In view of the ever-increasing number of posts, it cannot be assumed that all of them will be acknowledged.

Threads must not be disrupted by inappropriate or excessive posts.

adhd-forum.adxs.org is entitled to delete posts that contradict or threaten to contradict these principles or even the law.

2.3 Sharing experiences yes, advertising no

Experiences about products used by the member are permitted if they are clearly subordinate to the member’s contributions.
Advertising for products is prohibited. Recommendations or testimonials by members who have otherwise made no or only a few contributions are also deemed to be advertising.
adhd-forum.adxs.org is entitled to delete posts that contain or could constitute advertising as a precautionary measure.
The forum may not be used to send chain letters or other solicitations.

2.4 Compliance with the law

No content may be posted in the forum that is unlawful / illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful to others. This also includes content that is harassing, inappropriate or offensive.

No content may be posted to the forum that contains malicious computer code such as computer viruses or spyware or otherwise contaminates the forum.

2.5 Dealing with suicidal comments in the forum

As we take any comments that suggest that someone is potentially in danger seriously, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

It is of course expressly permitted for you to write when you are feeling bad. And words such as “suicidal thoughts” may also be written there, as this is an important topic that is often taboo. It is important to us that it is clear that we do not have to worry about you and your life!

If this is the case and someone is unable to clearly distance themselves from suicidal intentions (even when asked), we will pass this on to the police.

We moderators cannot provide crisis intervention and your well-being is very important to us!

Here are a few useful links and telephone numbers in Germany:

Telephone counseling
Phone: 0800/1110111 / 0800/1110222
Tel.: 0800/1110333 (especially for children and young people)
Phone: 0800/1110550 (parents’ phone)

Emergency telephone Suicide Germany
Phone: 030/8730111

Number for psychological crisis 113

Emergency number 112/110

https://krisenchat.de 1

3 Posts

Posts are to be published in the forum and sub-forum boards provided for the respective topic.
Before creating new topics, use the search function to search for threads on this topic and continue the topic there.
Multiple posts in different forum/sub-forum boards are not permitted.

The subjects (headings) of new threads should be clear and meaningful.

Posts with sensitive content (e.g. abuse, experience of violence, etc.) must contain TRIGGER in the title to prevent traumatized readers from being re-traumatized.

4. Links

Each member is solely responsible for the links they use.

4.1 Prohibited links

Links to pornographic, right-wing extremist or discriminatory sites are not permitted. In the event of a violation, the member’s account will be blocked immediately.
Links to sites with criminal content or harmful code are also prohibited.

4.2 Links that require approval

Without the prior approval of the moderators, links to

Commercial websites outside the permitted scope of 2.3.
Surveys for theses or essays etc.
Search for test persons for studies
are not permitted.

If links are posted without prior approval, this significantly reduces the likelihood of approval.

5. Copyright

No content may be posted in the forum that infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties, violates the privacy of third parties or violates agreements that exist with others.

Members transfer the rights of use to the posts, images and other content they post to adhd-forum.adxs.org for an unlimited period of time.

Topics, contributions and file attachments or screenshots thereof may not be published on other websites, printed works or other media without the express written permission of adhd-forum.adxs.org.

Product and company names are the property of their respective owners and are used on these pages for information purposes only.

In the event of an infringement of a third party copyright, please notify the forum operator (see imprint) immediately, stating the link to the offending post.

6. Violations of the rules

Anyone who violates the rules set out here will be warned.
The account can be restricted or blocked

  • in the case of serious violations (copyright infringements, criminal offenses, opening an account for advertising purposes, etc.) the first time they occur,

otherwise, the account may be blocked in the event of multiple violations, including violations of various rules.

7. Compensation for damages

If adhd-forum.adxs.org incurs damages as a result of a breach of the forum rules or unlawful behavior on the part of a member, it will claim the damages and any resulting legal fees from the member concerned.
If damage is caused to members or third parties, adhs-forum.adxs.org 5 reserves the right to assign claims for damages against the member to the injured party.

8 Disclaimer

All information is provided without guarantee of accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness.
The forum operator accepts no liability for this.

The forum operator reserves the right to change or remove forum content at any time.

The forum operator accepts no liability for the availability of the services, the loss of stored data or the usability of the forum for specific purposes.

Irrespective of this, the operator is only liable for gross negligence and intent.

Due to the constantly changing content of a forum, it is generally not possible to view all posts completely, check their content and exercise direct active control over them.
The forum operator can therefore accept no responsibility for the content, correctness and form of the contributions posted.

9. Acceptance of the rules by creating an account and publishing posts. German law.

The forum is subject to German law.

By opening an account as well as by each published post, each member recognizes the validity of the forum rules at the respective status.
The operator is entitled to change the forum rules to a reasonable extent.

You can inform the operator in accordance with these conditions and send questions to him at info@adxs.org. The operator may inform you within the scope of these terms and conditions via the e-mail address that you have provided for your account in the forum or via a message on the homepage of the forum or your account page.